Do you find yourself feeling any—or all—of these?
Would you like to know you’re not alone in your parenting challenges? Would you like to learn how to respond to the different situations you face with your little ones? What about understanding their language (and lack thereof), and where their behaviors come from? You love your children, and you want to have a framework for making your parenting choices. You’d like to connect with your kids and to know what other parents do in similar situations. You’d also like to: understand what makes you parent the way you do, be more reflective about your parenting style, and change whatever does not work.
Parenting group may be exactly what you need. It can help with all of those things.
"I thought my daughter was always looking for attention. But, it wasn't
attention. She was looking for connection." (Circle of Security Parenting DVD, 2010)
Learn more about
parenting groups.
Vida Counseling offers an 8-week, relationship-based parenting group designed to enrich relationships between parents and children. Our group is founded on the evidence-based and internationally acclaimed Circle of Security protocol. As noted by Circle of Security International, "Decades of university-based research have confirmed that secure children exhibit increased empathy, greater self-esteem, better relationships with parents and peers, enhanced school readiness, and an increased capacity to handle emotions more effectively when compared with children who are not secure."
Parenting is one of the most challenging and important roles most of us will have in life. And our relationship with our children is not only the most important component of parenting, but what makes our parenting effective. However, it's not easy creating and maintaining a close relationship with anyone. And they're never-ending tasks, too, since life throws daily erosions, separations, and distractions at us. This group is for you if you want to learn how to parent your children with more peace, joy, and connection.
You'll learn how to understand your child’s behavior. You'll see recorded examples of real families to illustrate each concept. You'll reflect on your own experiences and your upbringing and how those influence your parenting. You'll provide support to each other. And finally, you'll learn how to be a more connected and effective parent.
The Circle of Security Parenting (COS-P) group meets for eight sessions. Each session lasts 1.5 hours.